One final benefit for you.
We realize how difficult it can be to make ends meet these days. To make it easier to finance your required education, we allow you to make regular monthly payment’s so you don’t have to pay the tuition all at once.
So, if
you are looking for a way to accomplish your schooling in 10 months a year over 2 years instead of the 9 months over 4 years that other schools require,
you want a fast track to accumulate the minimum 288 school hours of schooling required
or you want to send your employees to a school that doesn’t charge all the additional fees just for joining, then WE HAVE A PROGRAM FOR YOU! Enroll in the Rocky Mountain Electrical Training Institute (RMETI) today and take control of your future.
Rocky Mountain Electrical Training Institute is a state-approved electrical trade school in Denver, CO. Because all our classes are online, we serve students from all over the state, even extending into other states where their jobs take them! Join us and get your education hours at one of the best electrician schools available anywhere.
Enroll with RMETI today!