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A Real World Trade School Empowering Our Students with
Electrical and Life Skills.

RMETI ZOOM setup instructions

Zoom is an online meeting program that allows people to see and talk to each other over the internet. Zoom works on your phone, tablet, or computer.

Several days before the first class, go to, and under the Resources tab, download the Zoom Client software, or go to your phone app store and install the Zoom Client program or app.

On this is like how the webpage will look. You will find the Zoom Client under the Resource Tab. Look in the Support link if you want more information.

RMETI installation instructions.

After you have successfully set up Zoom on your device, start it, and you will see a screen like one of these:

RMETI desktop sign in screen.
RMETI Zoom app mobile sign in screen.

Sign in or sign up for free. After signing in, you will see a screen similar to these:

RMETI desktop dahboard.
RMETI Zoom mobile app dahboard.

Now test your system. Click on New Meeting to test your camera and mic. If all the software is set up correctly, you should see something like this with your face:

RMETI Zoom desktop screen.

If you do not experience something like this picture, please see Zoom to help you set up your system. Look on under the Resources tab in the upper right-side corner.

Additionally, please make sure you have your name correct under the display name section in your profile settings on It makes it much easier for the instructor to credit you your hour and other students to know who you are.


Program, Audio, Video, Lighting Setup:

Please set your phone or computer camera at eye level.  It is no fun for the other participants to look up your nose when you have the camera below your eyes and it is aimed up your nose toward you.

Please use a headset mic if you have one.  If you are familiar with online meetings and have a good microphone setup, please feel free to use it.

Please have a light or a window beside or behind the camera.  Have the light shining toward you.  If the light is beside or behind the camera, your face will be well-lit.  The other participants looking at your video feed will see your face clearly.  If the light is behind you shining into the camera, your face and video feed will look very dark.

Audio/Video Troubleshooting During the Session:

If the screen becomes jumbled, blurry, distorted, or freezes, please mute your video feed for ten seconds and then unmute your video.  Click on the camera icon in the lower-left corner to mute the camera video. This allows the internet to catch up to your cameras video.

If the sound becomes distorted, scratchy, or hard to listen to, mute your mic for ten seconds and then unmute your microphone.

If the audio or video signal is low quality after muting and unmuting your mic or camera, please hang up and dial back into the meeting. Frequently, disconnecting and reconnecting to the class fixes many of the issues that arise.

If you have any questions, please email RMETI here: Contact Us.

Light bulb with RMETI Electrified.
We are a State Approved Electrical Trade School
Rocky Mountain Electrical Training Institute
RMETI is Approved and Regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Division of Private Occupational School Board.

©2025 Rocky Mountain Electrical Training Institute
All rights reserved.